
Empowering Women in Tech: The Power of Support

By Impactful | 18 Jun, 2024
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Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to attend InfoSecurity Europe at the ExCel in London, Europe’s largest infosec event. While there, I saw it as a perfect chance to engage in conversations about security, connect with other women, and attend a talk on diversity and inclusion. Sadly, I found that no matter where women are in the world, we still face the same issues and struggles.

I often ask myself: if women are making such remarkable strides in this industry, challenging stereotypes and breaking barriers, why do gender disparities still persist in tech? What can we do to change this?

One key component missing is collaboration. Women in tech need to understand the importance of lifting each other up, sharing insights, and advocating for one another. The tough path we had into leadership doesn’t need to stay rocky; we have the power to change this.

Fostering a culture of inclusivity and allyship is crucial. We should band together to create safe spaces where we can freely exchange ideas, voice concerns, and celebrate achievements. These communities offer not only professional support but also serve as platforms for personal growth and solidarity.

Another vital aspect of support among women in tech is advocating for diversity and representation. Recognising the importance of diverse perspectives in driving innovation, we should champion initiatives to amplify the voices of underrepresented groups. By actively promoting diversity in hiring practices, leadership roles, and industry events, women in tech can pave the way for a more inclusive future.

This support should extend beyond professional realms. It involves promoting work-life balance, nurturing self-confidence and addressing systemic barriers. Through mentorship, networking and advocacy, we can foster a culture of resilience and empowerment, inspiring the next generation of female technologists. Let’s be deliberate about these practices and support our fellow women.

To learn more about the current state of women in tech, what’s important to them, and what they need from their employers to thrive, access Skillsoft’s 2024 Women in Tech full report


Nadia Veeren-Patel

CISO at Impactful powered by LRMG

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