Articles, Microsoft

Microsoft SharePoint Modern Experience: Site Basics

By Impactful | 07 Apr, 2024
Microsoft SharePoint Modern Experience

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In the ever-evolving world of digital collaboration, Microsoft SharePoint stands as a beacon for organisations seeking to streamline their communication and data management processes. This blog post dives into the essentials of SharePoint’s Modern Experience, focusing on site basics and how it can revolutionise the way businesses operate. Additionally, we’ve included a handy FAQ section to address some of the most common queries related to SharePoint.

Introduction to SharePoint Modern Experience

Microsoft SharePoint is a dynamic platform that enhances communication and collaboration across various sectors. It empowers teams by allowing the use of familiar applications and web-based tools to create, access, store, and track documents and data from a single, central location. The Modern Experience, introduced by Microsoft, offers a more intuitive and user-friendly interface compared to its Classic counterpart, making it easier for users to navigate and manage their content effectively.

The Core Features of SharePoint Modern Experience

SharePoint’s Modern Experience is designed with the user in mind, offering a clean, responsive design that works seamlessly across devices. Here are some of the core features that set it apart:
  • Modern Sites:  These are the foundational elements of the Modern Experience, providing a secure place to store, share, and collaborate on content. Sites can be easily customized to fit the needs of a team or project.

  • Communication Sites:  Ideal for broadcasting information to a broader audience within the organization, these sites feature rich multimedia content and news.

  • Team Sites:  Connected to Microsoft 365 Groups, team sites offer a collaborative space for team members to share documents, data, and insights.

  • Lists and Libraries:  Enhanced to be more user-friendly, lists and libraries in the Modern Experience facilitate easier management of content, data, and documents.

  • Modern Search Experience:  Search capabilities are significantly improved, providing more relevant results and a faster, more intuitive search experience.

Getting Started with SharePoint Modern Sites

Creating and managing modern sites in SharePoint is straightforward. Here’s how you can get started:
  1. Site Creation:  From the SharePoint homepage, users can create new sites that automatically employ the Modern Experience. You can choose between a team site or a communication site based on your needs.

  2. Customization:  Modern sites can be customized without needing extensive technical knowledge. Users can add, remove, or rearrange web parts, change themes, and adjust layouts to tailor the site to their requirements.

  3. Permissions and Sharing:  Managing who has access to your site and its content is simpler with the Modern Experience. Site owners can easily share their sites with others within the organization, ensuring the right people have the right access.

  4. Integrations:  SharePoint Modern Sites integrate seamlessly with other Microsoft 365 applications, allowing for a more cohesive workflow. For example, you can easily connect a site to a Microsoft Teams channel or incorporate Microsoft Forms for surveys.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I switch my existing Classic SharePoint site to the Modern Experience?

Yes, most Classic SharePoint sites can be upgraded to the Modern Experience. However, the process may vary depending on the customizations and features used in your Classic site. It’s advisable to consult Microsoft’s guidance or a SharePoint expert before proceeding.

Is training required to use SharePoint Modern Experience?

While the Modern Experience is designed to be intuitive, users familiar with the Classic version or new to SharePoint altogether may benefit from some training. Microsoft offers resources and documentation to help users get acquainted with the new interface and features.

How does SharePoint integrate with other Microsoft 365 applications?

SharePoint is deeply integrated with the Microsoft 365 suite, allowing for seamless collaboration and data sharing. For instance, documents stored in SharePoint can be edited in real-time using Word, Excel, or PowerPoint Online. Additionally, SharePoint sites can be connected to Microsoft Teams for enhanced communication.

Can external users access SharePoint Modern Sites?

Yes, SharePoint allows site owners to share content with external users. However, the level of access and permissions can be controlled to ensure security and compliance with organizational policies.

How secure is SharePoint?

Microsoft places a high emphasis on security within SharePoint, offering features like advanced encryption, compliance tools, and multi-factor authentication to protect your data. It’s important for organizations to configure their security settings appropriately to meet their specific needs.


Microsoft SharePoint’s Modern Experience offers a fresh and efficient approach to collaboration and document management. With its user-friendly interface, enhanced features, and seamless integration with Microsoft 365, it’s poised to transform how organizations communicate and manage information. Whether you’re broadcasting company news via a Communication Site or collaborating on a project through a Team Site, SharePoint Modern Experience is equipped to meet your needs.

We hope this guide and FAQ section have illuminated the basics of SharePoint Modern Experience and how it can be leveraged to enhance your organization’s productivity. Embracing this modern platform could be the key to unlocking new levels of efficiency and collaboration within your team.

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